To build a more equitable Clark University, we know we have much work to do. This work will take many forms, involve all members of the Clark community, and require additional resources. It will strengthen our great University, setting the stage for a better future.

Moving Toward a More Equitable Clark
Our Community Commitment
Clark is an extraordinary learning community characterized not only by a commitment to discovery, understanding, and knowledge but also by deep appreciation for its importance to individual lives and change in our society. We pride ourselves in fostering a sense of belonging and care for one another.
Across the years and especially in the last decade, we have worked to move ever closer toward a fully inclusive, just, and equitable Clark.
Yet, systemic racism and other forms of oppression do still appear at Clark, undermining our community, harming individuals, and standing in the way of every student seeking the fullest promise of a Clark education.
To ensure that Clark becomes a place where all students, faculty, and staff can be successful, our community must be committed to re-examining and reshaping the academic and campus experience to make it more equitable and inclusive. Our efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion not only will benefit our students and ensure their success at and beyond Clark, but also are inextricably tied to the University’s future success.
Latest Updates
Action Item: Develop and enhance recruitment programs to attract and support diverse undergraduate students
Action Item: Provide opportunities for campus input and involvement around campus DEI efforts
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Redesign Dana Commons as an inclusive student space
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Increase visibility of student supports on Dean of Students website
Develop connections with alumni groups to support DEI efforts
Action Item: Support more events and programming focused on DEI issues
Action Item: Build connections outside of Clark to support DEI efforts
Action Item: Hold Difficult Dialogues on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Action Item: Offer diversity and anti-racism training to the Student Affairs team
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Provide professional development opportunities focused on cultural competency to senior leadership
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Expand the availability of gender-inclusive and accessible restrooms
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Develop and support mentorship and leadership opportunities for faculty, staff, and students of color
Action Item: Relocate University Police headquarters to the periphery of campus
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Develop new pathway for responses to student welfare checks
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Address food security issues within the student community
Action Item: Institute Multicultural and First-Generation Student Graduation Ceremony
Action Item: Institute Lavender Celebration for graduating seniors
Action Item: Institutionalize and hold annual MLK Day-related programming
Action Item: Develop and enhance recruitment programs to attract and support diverse undergraduate students
Action Item: Provide opportunities for campus input and involvement around campus DEI efforts
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Redesign Dana Commons as an inclusive student space
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Increase visibility of student supports on Dean of Students website
Develop connections with alumni groups to support DEI efforts
Action Item: Support more events and programming focused on DEI issues
Action Item: Build connections outside of Clark to support DEI efforts
Action Item: Hold Difficult Dialogues on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Action Item: Offer diversity and anti-racism training to the Student Affairs team
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Provide professional development opportunities focused on cultural competency to senior leadership
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Expand the availability of gender-inclusive and accessible restrooms
Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Action Item: Develop and support mentorship and leadership opportunities for faculty, staff, and students of color
Action Item: Relocate University Police headquarters to the periphery of campus
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Develop new pathway for responses to student welfare checks
Campus Climate and Safety
Action Item: Address food security issues within the student community
Action Item: Institute Multicultural and First-Generation Student Graduation Ceremony
Action Item: Institute Lavender Celebration for graduating seniors
Action Item: Institutionalize and hold annual MLK Day-related programming

Initiative Areas
Explore Clark’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, including action items and updates, within each area below.

Updated Oct. 14, 2021

Campus Climate and Safety
Updated March 30, 2022

Updated March 30, 2022

Data and Assessment
Updated Oct. 14, 2021

Policies, Practices, and Procedures
Updated March 30, 2022